50 Things I Want My Kids To Know

  1. Live life like it’s on purpose
  2. Smile more, it improves your outlook
  3. Show courtesy to others, hold open a door, say please and thank you.
  4. Never hit a woman
  5. Never hit a child
  6. Good music is stuff you like, not stuff that’s technically good.
  7. You can’t change a system by complaining about it. You have to solve the problem
  8. People have opinions, you don’t have to like it but you do have to respect it.
  9. Respect everyone. People earn disrespect through their actions.
  10. Walk tall, be proud of your place in the world
  11. The world is there to experience, don’t let it pass you by
  12. You are a product of your environment. If you don’t like who you are, change your environment
  13. Cool people don’t know they’re cool.
  14. You may not like kids but they’ll be the ones maintaining the world when you’re too old to do it.
  15. Don’t deliberately cause pain to animals, you have a choice how you behave, they don’t
  16. It was never as good as you remember it was. But don’t let that spoil the memory
  17. Socialising is not words on a screen its interactions on a verbal, mental and physical level.
  18. Be patient, don’t rush so much
  19. Be aware of your limitations, you may not improve on them but at least you know they are there.
  20. Your wife/spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend is your partner and equal and should be treated with respect and love
  21. School is not the only thing responsible for educating the young – you are!
  22. Listen. No, really listen!
  23. Use your imagination, it’s a tool that is often overlooked.
  24. Go outside, don’t wait to be entertained, entertain yourself
  25. No-one will do it for you, you have to make it happen yourself.
  26. Money will not make you happier.
  27. Things will not make you happier
  28. Take the time to enjoy the view.
  29. Do what Will Wheaton says – Don’t be a Dick!
  30. Sometimes you will be wrong, learn from it.
  31. If it scares you confront it.
  32. Be aware of your impact on others, that way you can plan for the fallout!
  33. Don’t drink lots of coffee, it gives you bad breath
  34. Don’t pigeonhole yourself. You are who you want to be
  35. Sometimes your choices won’t be popular with your loved ones. Just make sure they’re honest choices!
  36. Don’t steal!
  37. Don’t borrow, if you can’t afford it – SAVE (except for mortgages….grrrr)
  38. Read books, they’re a way to travel, expand your horizons and remove your limitations. All from the safety of your armchair.
  39. If you think something is wrong confront it!
  40. There is nothing cool about violence
  41. Enjoy the journey as it’s sometimes better than the destination.
  42. You can’t make more time so don’t complain there isn’t enough of it. Use what time you have better!
  43. Be there for your kids, when you’re home from work give them your attention fully.
  44. Make something with your hands, even if you don’t think its very good the process of creation is its own reward.
  45. If you can’t do something  the first time – Practice until you can
  46. Humans are social creatures, interaction with others keeps us mentally healthy. Even if you’re not good at it or find it uncomfortable you have to take the time to socialise with others.
  47. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t understand something.
  48. Go to the library, it’s a very good place to find out new stuff
  49. Learn another language, it will make you think differently and lead you in directions you never thought you’d go
  50. Show respect to those who choose put your life before their own.
